Thursday, September 18, 2008

Profitable & Environmentally responsible business practices

Recycline believes in striving to "combine socially and environmentally responsible business practices with groundbreaking design to create products that people feel good about having in their homes. We believe that choosing eco-friendly products doesn’t mean having to sacrifice quality, price, or performance."

Download their full plastic safety statement here.

Excerpts from Executive Summary:

Some additives in plastics are increasingly being shown to have interactions with the body’s hormone system (a.k.a., the endocrine system). While our plastics do not contain harmful additives, we follow the scientific research and debate closely, and think the precautionary principle should apply. Thus we do not introduce any possible endocrine disrupters into our plastics. Furthermore, our systems are designed to make all of our Preserve plastics from recycled products and packaging that have not had these chemicals introduced to them.


Recycled plastics have a variety of benefits. They decrease waste sent to landfills; reduce use of non-renewable resources, like natural gas and oil; decrease energy use; and decrease emissions of carbon dioxide. Preserve products are better for the earth for these reasons. And, because of the care we use in selecting and testing the materials we use for Preserve, we are confident that our products are BPA and phthalate free and safe for use by you and by our families.

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